SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a digital certificate that permits encrypted connections and authenticates the identity of a website.
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SSL is short for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a digital certificate that enables encrypted connection and authenticates a site’s identity. The security protocol creates a secured link between a web browser and server, and that’s how you can communicate with your customers. SSL is like a windshield protecting your customers from hackers, digital bugs, and other web nasties.
An SSL certificate creates an encrypted connection between the servers and the visitors. SSL secures all google forms and associated credentials to make the web more secure. It would help if you had SSL certificates to keep customer information private and safe internet connections. You also need the certificate to prevent criminals from modifying the information shared between systems.
Have you noticed that some web URLs start with HTTPS while some begin with HTTP? If you haven’t, then it is likely that your web visitors have. The guaranteed SSL certificates on URLs with HTTPS mean using a secured web connection. The S represents secured encryption.
When a visitor attempts to access your web server, the browser will request that the web server identify itself. Then, the web server will send a copy of its SSL certificate to the browser. At this point, the browser will check to see if the SSL certificate is trustworthy. If it is, it will send a signal to the web server, and the server will return a digitally signed acknowledgment to begin the SSL encrypted session. It then allows sharing of encrypted data between the web server and browser. All the process is summarized under the name “SSL handshake.” Too much to digest? Let us break it down into simpler terms.
Builds customer trust Authentication and encryption are both important from your perspective. Even if you don’t run an e-commerce website, an SSL certificate shows visitors that you prioritize their security and facilitate continuous visits and interaction. But from a customer’s perspective, it signals trust. It informs the user that data sent and shared on the website are secured and that you are a legitimate entity.
It’s mandatory in Google The new chrome 68 flags websites that are not protected with an SSL certificate displays a bold “Not Secure” sign so you can know to avoid proceeding further. This feature is a significant deterrence to ensure people stop visiting unsecured websites.
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